Our Top 5 Kitchen Hacks Revealed! | WFPB Cooking

For those of you who are new to our channel, we are not chefs nor do we claim to be. We did not go to culinary school or train in a kitchen. We are just regular people who want to show others that a whole food plant based diet can be easy, fun, and delicious. That is why we decided to make a video of our top 5 kitchen hacks that we use every time we are cooking!

These hacks are designed to make cooking on a whole food plant based diet easier and less stressful. It is easy to be intimidated when it comes to making meals, but we got your back! We hope that you guys enjoy these hacks as much as we do and let us know what hacks you use in the kitchen!

#1 - Keep a Kettle on the Stove

If you have watched any of our YouTube videos, you probably noticed Dillon always talking about his kettle that he keeps on the stove. The reason he is so adamant about keeping a kettle on the stove is because it is perfect for water sautéing.

When sautéing without oil, the ingredients will often stick together. To fix this issue simply pour some water on the ingredients, but not just any water. By using hot water, you do not have to worry about the water cooling the ingredients down and causing the process to take longer. That is why whenever we are sautéing we keep a hot kettle on the stove, so we are able to add hot water immediately and not have to wait for it to warm up!

#2 - Dry Out Your Sauté 3 Times

While we are still on the subject of water sautéing, we have another hack for you! A good rule of thumb we like to follow is dry out your sauté about 3 times. What this means is that you should allow all the water to evaporate from the ingredients, add more water, allow it to evaporate, and repeat.

Doing this will allow for a perfect sauté each time and is easy to remember. If you want the ingredients to be more tender, only dry it out 2 times. We also suggest using a nonstick pan instead of stainless steel, but both work perfectly fine.

#3 - Cook Your Grains Like Pasta

This hack is one of our favorites and makes cooking grains a breeze! No more struggling to remember or googling ratios of grains to water and measuring. The way we cook our grains is like pasta and is much simpler than the traditional way of cooking grains.

Simply boil a pot of water, dump in your grains, and allow to cook until the desired tenderness by trying some of it along the way. The best part of this hack is that after a couple times you will know the exact length of time each grain takes to cook. This hack is also great if you like to make large batches of grains at the beginning of the week for various recipes (like we do).

#4 - Use Frozen Veggies

Frozen veggies…our freezer is always fully stocked with our favorite frozen vegetables and yours should be too! Frozen vegetables are perfect for quick and easy meals, especially if you are in a pinch. There are myths that frozen fruit and vegetables are not as good as fresh, but that is not true! Frozen produce is picked at peak ripeness, so they taste just as good as fresh produce. Frozen produce also does not go bad like fresh produce, so there is less food waste and you save money. Who doesn’t like saving money?

Not to mention, frozen vegetables are great for days when you are busy or just feeling lazy, because there is no need for chopping! To make it easier to understand how to use frozen vegetables, a 10 oz bag of frozen onion equals about 1 whole onion (same with peppers). Now go get yourself some frozen veggies!

#5 - Put a Silpat Under Your Cutting Board

No longer do you have to deal with your cutting board slipping all over, moving, and making chopping even more difficult. With this hack all you have to do is take a Silpat or any silicone baking mat and place it under your cutting board. You can find Silpats on amazon for as low as $14, keep in mind the brand does not matter. Although, we do not suggest using these for baking as they never seem to work well, so we stick with parchment paper for that.

Some people suggest using a wet towel, which does work although it can be problematic. We learned the hard way that putting a wet towel under your cutting board will cause it to warp and consequently you will go through cutting boards much faster. That is why using a Silpat is much better as it does not cause the board to warp, it is inexpensive, and it works extremely well!

Bonus - Use WYW Products

Of course we had to do a bonus hack! This bonus hack is to use Well Your World products. All of our products are designed to help you spend less time in the kitchen and more time doing the things you love. You probably only thought about our Cheese Sauce Mix or our Banana Pancake Mix as the product that saves you time in the kitchen. But all of our products are great for saving you time. From our Pizza Sauce to our Mushroom Gravy Mix to our Voodoo Cajun Seasoning Blend we strive to make a whole food plant based diet easy and fast for anyone! Our seasoning and spice blends are perfect for one pot meals in lieu of multiple different spices.

That is all we got for these top 5 kitchen hacks. We use these hacks every time we are cooking something up in the kitchen for a video or just for dinner. We hope you like these hacks and begin to implement them in your cooking routine. What hacks do you have that we didn’t mention, let us know!

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